Sumon's Reviews & Thoughts

Dave the Diver


Explore the sea with Dave by day, and run a sushi restaurant at night.

Jul 26, 2023

Dave the Diver Chars


The addictive gameplay of filling out essentially a fish pokedex (like animal crossing)

The satisfying loop of catching a bunch of fish, selling them at the restaurant you manage, and using the money to upgrade Dave's diving equipment so you can progress further, deal more damage, upgrade oxygen tank, etc.

Wonderful soundtrack. It's got tense scores during boss fights to just more relaxing chill music while on a peaceful dive, and I'm someone who almost never pays attention to the soundtrack in games.

Even many hours in I was pleased to still be unlocking new content (for example, a farm to grow more crops for your dishes)

Some of the random minigames are so much fun. I wasn't expecting to suddenly have to play a rhythm minigame sequence as Duff, the anime loving neckbeard who provides Dave with weapon upgrades, but it gave me a good laugh and just shook up the gameplay a bit.

All the characters are so charming, even smaller characters are so fleshed out, such as a rapper named MC Sammy who has a popular song called "Hot Pepper Tuna"

This is one of those games where it's very clear where all the hype comes from once you play it. I can't recommend it enough.